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Wacky Software

Wacky Software is home for affordable assorted Microsoft Windows programs

This website allows users to download my current software that I wrote. They are both shareware version and trial version software and can be downloaded easily through a Web Browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome etc.). I hope that you find these programs useful. Note: All of these 32-bit programs will run on a 64-bit computer.

I began this site to act as a repository for the common programs that I install on my computers and on my clients computers. I hope you find it as useful as I do. I always working on other programs, so you should visit this site on a regular basis to see what other programs are available.

All files on this site are strictly Microsoft Windows Based and are either 64-bit or 32-bit versions. In the future, I may expand this site to include Mac Software, Linux Software, Iphone and Android Software. The software type will be indicated in the Version description.


Double Whammy Yahtzee is a Dice game spin off of the classic board game of Yahtzee, with a few changes to the rules in additon to adding two additional categories. The game consists of 15 rounds. In each round, you roll the dice and then score the roll in one of 15 categories. You must score once in each category -- which means that towards the end of the game you may have to settle for scoring zero in some categories. Please refer to the the Rules of Double Whammy for futher details.
Version 1.00 Windows (x32)


Poker Machine is a five card draw poker game where the player attempts to beat the computer in bankrupting the bank of a $30,000.00 bank roll. To start the game, the player must click on the Deal Button, which then deals the player and the computer five cards to start the game, then the player will then decide which if any of the five cards they wish to hold to built a better poker hand by clicking the toggle button that is labeled as Draw/Hold buttons under each card that has been dealt. When, the player has determined which of the five cards they wish to keep, the player then click on the Re-Deal button to draw any of the five cards they have chosen to draw again. Once, the player had click on the Re-Deal button, the computer will deal out the player chosen cards again and then the computer will decide which of their cards they wish to discard and redraw again. Once the computer has redrawn the discarded cards, the computer will determine which player has won the hand. The game continues until the bank reaches zero at which point the winner of the game is detemined by the amount of money the player or computer has won. Do, you have what it takes, to beat the computer?
Version 1.00 Windows (x32)


Secure Password is a utility program that generates a secure password for websites or programs that require a password to be created by the user. Secure Password will create passwords using lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters in various lengths from twelve characters to two hundred characters in length. Secure Password will allow the user to select/deselect whether to generate the password with lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, or special characters based upon the requirements of the website or program that requires a password to be created.
Version 1.00 Windows (x32)


SimpleFTP is a computerized program that gives the user the ability to use the FTP communicatons protocol to log into a FTP site and navigate through the the site to upload or download files. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a system for transferring files between two computers over the Internet where one of the computers is known as the server and the other one as the client. FTP program is very useful for website management as it allows the webmaster to update web pages by uploading local files to the web server easily . For normal PC users, FTP program can also be used to download files from many FTP sites that offer a lot of useful stuffs such as free software, free games, product information, applications, tools, utilities, drivers, fixes and etc.
Version 1.00 Windows (x32)

Texas Lottery Odds Improvement Multiplier

Texas Lottery Odd Improvement Multiplier is a computerized program that gives the user a scientific advantage of improving their odds of winning the Texas Lottery. To get full use of this program, the user must make all of the recommended lottery bets. This program will allow the user to play the following Texas Lottery Games (Pick-3, Daily-4, Lotto Texas, Cash-5, Texas Two-Step, All or Nothing, Mega Millions, Powerball).
Version 1.0 Windows 32-Bit